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Baton Rouge Pre-Purchase Cash Sale Home Appraisals Explained

Baton Rouge Pre-Purchase Cash Sale Appraisals Explained Video

Pre-Purchase Home Appraisals For Cash Sale In Baton Rouge Explained

This involves the homebuyer paying cash and obtaining a pre purchase home appraisal, pre-purchase home appraisal or cash sale home appraisal to determine if they’re paying a fair price and if the physical information presented by REALTOR is correct or not. Physical information can be the actual verified living area size, such as is this home really 2,800 sq. ft. of legal heated and cooled sq. ft. or is it really 2,400sf sq. ft. If the average sales price in a market is $110/sf, then that’s a big deal.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: activerain.com

VIDEO: Pre-Purchase Home Appraisals For Cash Sale In Baton Rouge Explained

This involves the home buyer paying cash and obtaining a pre purchase home appraisal, pre-purchase home appraisal or cash sale home appraisal to determine if they’re paying a fair price and if the physical information presented by REALTOR is correct or not. Physical information can be the actual verified living area size, such as is this home really 2,800 sq. ft. of legal heated and cooled sq. ft. or is it really 2,400sf sq. ft. If the average sales price in a market is $110/sf, then that’s a big deal.


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