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What Impact Will The Gulf Oil Spill Have On Baton Rouge Real Estate?

https://www.batonrougerealestateappraisal.com// – What Impact Will The Gulf Oil Spill Have On Baton Rouge Real Estate?


I began thinking about this question on Saturday as I heard the comparison of Hurricane Katrina with this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

An appraiser friend of mine in North Georgia sent me the poll results below from http://www.accessnorthga.com/access/survey/index.php?m=details&sid=1091

oil spill survey question

My reply was as follows: “I still support drilling and the money it brings in to the Louisiana economy, but at what cost? It’s easy for people over in North Georgia to comment on such a poll. Try living 1 hour from where this could hit and destroy the lives and incomes of generations of people for “multi-decade” as they’re saying. If you lived over here, I can guarantee you’d see this in a different light.

On the flip side though, what did Katrina do to Baton Rouge Real Estate? Overnight, Baton Rouge Real Estate and Baton Rouge Housing more in demand, with higher pricing and appraisal work for years to come. While it may not happen overnight this time, I’m contemplating what positive affect this oil spill, if as severe as predicted, will have on Baton Rouge Real Estate! Baton Rouge has been on the good side of natural disasters for the past few years now and I’m looking for this spill to benefit BR once again over the long haul…except this time it will be from a man-made disaster! Yes, I do feel for those located along the coast who’s lives could be turned upside once more and like never before! And NO, this is not a profit opportunity at their expense. Just preparing for any increase in population due to this disaster.”

Bill Cobb, Appraiser

Bill Cobb Home Appraiser Baton Rouge

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